Saturday, June 28, 2014




Many people claim to be a “good person.”  But truthfully, “What’s make a person a GOOD person?”  Over the years I’ve come across the most attractive people who lacked any inner beauty.  Not only were they arrogant and self-absorbed, but they were overall just MEAN!  Then I was given the pleasure to meet the “average looking person,” who didn’t turn heads when they walked into a room, but CHANGED lives.  They were kind, loving, giving and their inner beauty was flawless.   Over the course of life, it’s easy to determine someone by the way their personal appearance portrays them.  Perhaps they even go to church every Sunday and actively make cash contributions to charities.  But that doesn’t make them BEAUTIFUL on the inside.  Usually behind closed doors and behind brick walls, THESE false impersonators literally pretend to be loving and kind.  The honest person mistakes them for a person of good intentions and assumes they are not judging the less fortunate.  WHAT a façade.  What a theatrical performance some people can put on.  BRAVO!  But what the actor or actress lacks is not only a character of good nature, but a spirit of good life.  You can’t be hateful to someone one minute then expect to be this “mother Theresa” the next minute.  Being persistent in loving ways if far more valuable than a four thousand dollar face lift.  Anyone can get plastic surgery to look better on the outside but they can’t get a surgeon to restructure their heart.  Saying hurtful and horrible things to people to their face or even behind their back, paints a true picture.  THE ART OF UGLY is a self-portrait of a person and their true beauty.  It is the art of ugly that infuse people to pretend to be a beautiful work of art. When in reality, no artist could oversee their flaws, their hatred towards others and the ugliness of their soul.  The painting remains a black canvas……JUST like their blackened heart. 
Be kind to everyone because you never know their story.  Everyone has a story but some pretend and aren't even honest with themselves.
Broken Angels 2014

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