Sunday, November 9, 2014

"Never giving up and still pushing forward!"

Shedding light and truth on the conspiracy theory of ANGELS
There are many beliefs about the existence of angels.  The study of angelology has become widespread among people who seek logical answers spiritually, religiously or just doubt them altogether.  Psychological studies compare the human to the supernatural force that has been sent to earth from heaven.  Scientific perspectives have been noted.  Whether or not someone is a non-believer, experiences and stories continue to be told.  At one time or another someone has heard the expression(s), “there are angels watching over you.”  Then there’s the person that has passed over that became an angel. “They are watching over a loved one. “   Only quoting a few, it still leaves an open end somewhere.  There is no explanation for something that humanly cannot be explained.  Truth is, angels are not supposed to be spirits yet spirits are supposedly around us.  Angels are godly and protect us in ways a spirit cannot.  That is, if spirits really exist.  Who is to say they do and who is to say they don’t?  Unless someone has experienced an actual encounter that has reasonable proof, everything remains mythical to some degree.  The main focus and question remains.  “Do angels exist?” 
            It wasn’t until my personal encounter with an angel until I realized there was something worth speculating.  Never being much of a bookworm, the very thought of spending hours in a library was unimaginable.  The internet could be resourceful but then again; you can’t believe everything you read on the web.  So the only thing to go off of was actuality.  Not someone else’s theory or hypothesis but my own reported findings and factual experience.  There is no difference of opinion and there is limited skepticism.  With no one to vouch for what is written, (but myself), there is hopes to open a new door to what exists in this world.  With such diverse outlooks, some people may never walk through that door.  But those who do take a step closer, may or may not have already found their reasons for believing.  Angels exist and angels are among us.
            Fast forwarding past the biblical aspects, there is a time-lined formation of this novel.  Instances that cannot be relatively explained.  Though I’ve tried to dissect everything possible.  From factuality and reality.  Pausing in my own footsteps, the truth was right in front of me.  “Those were my experience and mine alone.”  Beyond a reasonable doubt, there was enough evidence for me to surrender to.  From a child to an adult.  There it was.  My memories that I was cautious to share and only a chosen few were told.  My least of concerns was that no one would believe me.  It was the beauty of the experience that needed to be appreciated.  It is like trying to explain a dream that is only dreamt once with a deadline.  With the clock ticking away, every detail must be remembered as it was and as it happened.  A visual painting with words on a blank canvas.  It’s up to the artist to express the nature precisely.  As if the other person was right there beside me. 
            SEVEN ANGELS, is nothing scriptural although at times it did intervene with the bible.  It all about keeping it simple with complex visions.  It was a journey that took me to a place that was never previsioned.  Dreams are an understatement for what was allowed to be seen and literally touched.  An honorable mention of what exists outside our world.  Whether it be darkness or light.  There is something worth believing in.  There is something worth speaking of.  Until it happened to me, there was a part of me that didn’t even have a clue what existed.  There was a part of me that never believed.  Now that all has changed. 

Monday, October 20, 2014


When the battle of Good vs. Evil continues often the perpetrator strikes with all force and all at once. That would be the evil doer. The one with the good heart (the good doer), will pull back their army of angels in hopes that all wrong doing of the evil one will be recognized (in hopes) the war will subside. Truth is, in most cases EVIL remains evil. Rarely does the black soul enlighten in love. Their blackened hearts focus in on one or more person(s). They are out to destroy, kill and tear apart anything they can. They are unhappy and lack a conscience. They blame the world for their misery. Pinpointing one person (the only person) they can. The strike at the worst opportune times with their minds set on destruction. After all, isn't that what evil is? Hurting, manipulating and ruining other people's lives? They laugh and they get high off their missions. They lie. They cheat and they will pull anyone down with them. But the good doer refuses to surrender. They will never sacrifice their wings and stoop to the evil person's level. They wait quietly in the darkness with little protection and await the next strike.  Eventually the evil doer will run out of ammo, deceitful intentions and the ability to rely on outside forces. They will end up standing alone. Whether it is in death or life, judgment day will find them. They can try to manipulate the fate they created but it will be too late. Chance after chance, they could have aborted their evil missions. They chose not to end it. So on their judgment day, they will be beheaded with no mercy. No remorse and no compassion. They showed none to their chosen victims in mind. They will burn forever more in a place they only had nightmares about. They tried to ruin someone else's dream and soon enough, their destiny will go up in flames and patiently wait for them. A burning eternity is their fate. They can't turn back and they can't apologize. It will be too late. They ignored their warnings so judgment day will ignore their cries for forgiveness. The winds of change will blow a different direction someday. The tables will turn and turn and turn. Never doubt an angel. Because the GOOD will always win even if they appear to have retreated. The evil doer can't run away from the hand of God. They will be found and dealt with OF course in a timely manner.  Now it's time to wait. 

Broken Angels

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Miracles Happen...Just like that!


The pursuit of happiness.  It takes one moment, one second for someone’s life to completely change.  The ticket that reveals all the winning numbers.  The heart that has been trampled on by the cruelty of other people or perhaps just one single person.  So indecisive about how to settle the situation.  Where there is money, there is optimal options.  The enemy who devoured the poor for pennies will now have to face a sacrificial truth.  So quick to judge without knowing the story, but now the story knows them.  There is no crying in the end.  There will only be one winner and one winner only.  If everything up to this point has been a game, they will lose.  Now the time comes for the good hearted person to either have pity or go in for the kill.   Money doesn’t create happiness but it can create miracles.  Those who did not play the game fair, will suffer the consequences of their actions.  It’s an eye for an eye and all bets are in.  The numbers speak for themselves and now it is time to make things right.  Pennies are meant to be thrown into wishing wells and not taken from the innocent.  Now the wrong doer will wish they never followed through with their cruel and deliberate antics.  Miracles can’t be intervened with or taken away once they happen. 

Be kind to others because you just never know..

Broken Angels 2014

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


When all is quiet, then be afraid.  When you do people wrong, eventually it comes back around.  No one get's away with anything.  Be afraid.  Be very, very afraid. 

Saturday, June 28, 2014




Many people claim to be a “good person.”  But truthfully, “What’s make a person a GOOD person?”  Over the years I’ve come across the most attractive people who lacked any inner beauty.  Not only were they arrogant and self-absorbed, but they were overall just MEAN!  Then I was given the pleasure to meet the “average looking person,” who didn’t turn heads when they walked into a room, but CHANGED lives.  They were kind, loving, giving and their inner beauty was flawless.   Over the course of life, it’s easy to determine someone by the way their personal appearance portrays them.  Perhaps they even go to church every Sunday and actively make cash contributions to charities.  But that doesn’t make them BEAUTIFUL on the inside.  Usually behind closed doors and behind brick walls, THESE false impersonators literally pretend to be loving and kind.  The honest person mistakes them for a person of good intentions and assumes they are not judging the less fortunate.  WHAT a façade.  What a theatrical performance some people can put on.  BRAVO!  But what the actor or actress lacks is not only a character of good nature, but a spirit of good life.  You can’t be hateful to someone one minute then expect to be this “mother Theresa” the next minute.  Being persistent in loving ways if far more valuable than a four thousand dollar face lift.  Anyone can get plastic surgery to look better on the outside but they can’t get a surgeon to restructure their heart.  Saying hurtful and horrible things to people to their face or even behind their back, paints a true picture.  THE ART OF UGLY is a self-portrait of a person and their true beauty.  It is the art of ugly that infuse people to pretend to be a beautiful work of art. When in reality, no artist could oversee their flaws, their hatred towards others and the ugliness of their soul.  The painting remains a black canvas……JUST like their blackened heart. 
Be kind to everyone because you never know their story.  Everyone has a story but some pretend and aren't even honest with themselves.
Broken Angels 2014

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Never look back

LIFE is like an OCEAN.  Sometimes it is calm, sometimes it has crashing waves and sometimes it’s just in between.  It also helps me explain my experiences.  There was a time when the shore seemed too far in the distance to ever reach.  At one point, my life was in the midst of the most horrific storm known to the waters.  There in the middle of nowhere treading water, it was certain for sure that soon I would be pulled under only to drown.  But then there was a break in the weather.  The water became calm and I was still afloat.  Slowly I began to swim slowly toward the shore.  Still it seemed impossible to reach.  As the shore became more reachable, yet another storm would distract the ocean’s slumber causing me to stall and giving me less hope.  There were some days I refused to swim and even thought about going in the other direction.  But I persevered.  Soon, I had reached the shore.  It felt like an eternity.  It felt unreal.  But there I was with my feet planted firmly on the sand.  I looked behind me and glimpsed at the ocean that I swore would be my death.  Now that I had reached my destination on dry land, I realized that the storm didn’t last forever and the waves didn’t hold me back.  I see life as that ocean.  Sometimes the swim towards shore seems too far and out of reach.  But it’s learning to cope with the changing tide and understand that everyday will not be identical to the one before.  It’s going with the flow of the waves instead of fighting them.   It acceptance of the weather and never giving up hope no matter what because there are just some things we can’t control in life.  But I assure that once your feet are placed upon the sand, you will look behind at the struggle and realize you were stronger than assumed.  Everyone’s ocean is different but everyone has to swim to get ashore.  Even if someone floats off course, it’s never too late to search for dry land.  LIFE isn’t always what we want but at the end of the day, NEVER give up and never surrender to the storm.  Storms don’t last forever and eventually the sun will shine again.  Never Look Back........
Broken Angels 2014 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

HUMBLE yourself......

It’s amazing how time can literally re-structure a person on how they think, how they live and how they view things.  Based on circumstance or personal creation, it doesn’t matter what someone started out with.  It’s what a person is left with.  Just like a bank account.  Money goes in and money comes out.  It’s never the same.  It either goes up or goes down and contrary to life.  Notice how when the bank account is full of money how much happier a person is?  But when there is a huge debt to pay off then suddenly  the balance is almost at a negative, the person becomes noticeably  unhappy.    Truth is, money can’t buy happiness.    Life should be enjoyed no matter what.  From experience, I’ve realized that “The good Lord can giveth and the good Lord can taketh.”  There is no doubt about that.  Viewing it as biblical or just common sense, it relates to someone, somewhere.   No one foresees their life on a crooked path they just walk the one placed before them.  A person can have thousands of dollars and an empty evil soul vs. a person who has one dollar and full heart of love.  So when someone humbles themselves, it is a choice, not an option.  Materialistic people seem to lack something in their lives and those who learn to live without seem to appreciate the littlest things more.  Just because someone doesn’t shop at Bloomindales doesn’t mean they aren’t rich.  They may very well be RICH in love and kindness.  To be honest it is more valuable than anything you could put a price-tag on.  So the advice I give today is to HUMBLE yourself and be kind to others who aren’t as  fortunate as you because one day the shoe might be on the other foot.   And  keep in mind….it probably won’t be a designer shoe. 
Broken Angels 2014

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


New blogs, new posts and hopefully new readers.  Thanks for the 1,000,000 views, comments and support since 2009

"Thank Goodness for the difficult people in my life........."

This blog is about encouragement, confidence and self-esteem.  Years ago I used to base my self-worth on what other’s used to think about me.  But once I started to make my own personal changes in my life, now I am a stronger woman than ever before.  My strength isn’t to intimidate anyone but in hopes to encourage those who still struggle.  Negative people can actually begin to reflect themselves on you.  That is when you need to eliminate them from your life and your happy place.  Broken Angels was first intended to relieve my stress and for me to be able to release my thoughts.  Though I have never completely disabled my page, ”under construction,” Over the years the page indeed has been a consistent process.  As time changes so do people.  That is purely factual and imminent.  Despite the hurdles and difficult people, I managed to literally fix the things that appeared terminal.  I’m proud of who I am and I don’t need a gold star from any particular figure make me feel important.  No one should have to accept humility or disrespect from anyone else.  I find it absurd and inhumane but unfortunately there will always be that type of people that exist.  However, I refuse  to deal with them.  Eventually when they see you are resilient to their hateful way, they will move on the next vulnerable person they consider weaker than them.  I just turn my head and move forward with my day.  Life can humble a materialistic person but life can also bitter a sweet person.  Tears do nothing for problem solving and being horrible to people does nothing for the soul.  Find a happy medium.  For the most part and for the moment that is what I have done.  It seems to have been productive.  But just remember that there is someone that is contempt with seeing you fail and thrives off your weaknesses.  Be careful who you pour your heart out too because someday someone might try to use it against you.  I see nothing wrong with keeping a partial wall up between you and certain people who need to earn your trust with time in order to break it down.  I learned the hard way but I also learned smarter ways.  I’ve decided to harden up a bit and not go out on a limb ever again to say my peace of mind.  At the end of the day, it’s just not worth my time anymore.  I’ve made amends with all the people in my life that truly matter.  The rest who still ponder on the past are not going to be a part of my future. Period; end of story. 

Monday, February 3, 2014

To Forgive or Not to Forgive?????

So as I sit here tonight pondering one particular thought, I ask myself, "If the time were to ever come should I forgive this one person.   This one person who had kicked me while I was down and the one person who tried to take away everything I was?" 

There comes a time when the wind of change happens.  The poor may become rich, the rich may become givers and perhaps the heartless may begin to care.  Whatever the case may be, TIME does change some  people.  When time overlooks the heartless, insane and emotionally challenged souls, sadly they are forever reluctant to change and clueless to their bitterness.  While busy blaming the world for their misery they purposely attempt to sabotage the happy, spirited person.  The broken person who had a difficult journey but refused to let it harden them.  When these two spiritual worlds eventually collide it can become an ugly war.  The war between good and evil, honesty and lies, fairness and vindictiveness.  But the truth is, TIME will favor the good person no matter how many years pass.  The good person will remain dormant and all their antics silent until the right, precise moment.  Then justice can be determined and justice can be served.  The miserable person continues to taunt and attack while losing sight of how the fight even began. But the miserable person is NEVER wrong.  They are the victim and they are always right.  They can tell the same story over and over knowing what was untruthful and what was reality.   But eventually the miserable person gets tired, letting their guard down only to believe they had won.  They feed off of their winnings even when it meant hurting innocent people. They don't lose a minute of sleep at night and they are able to function normally while provoking someone else's pain.  But the good person, the BETTER person hides their tears and never speaks because no one will listen and no one will ever know the truth.  So why waste words on those who refuse to listen?  Time has a way of sneaking up on someone and when that day comes, I will decide if I will forgive that person.  More than likely I will but from the bottom of my heart there will always be a lingering dark hatred that may never lighten up.  In life, we reap what we sow and if we are left on our knees begging for mercy then so be it.  If someone plants rotten seeds in their garden then they can only expect a spoiled crop.  So to forgive or not to forgive?  That is not a question.  It is a choice and that is something I will decide when the time comes.  Should the time ever come. 

Thursday, January 16, 2014


For those of you that have followed my BROKEN ANGELS blog page since 2010, I just wanted to say, "Thank You," for all of the positive feedback.  I rarely blog on this page because I have created a Broken Angels page on Facebook which I cater too more.  However, it is a new year and although I have limited time on my hands now.  Though it may be difficult to find specific moments to write, blogging seems to have sparked my interest again.  During the past 5 years since I had this page, I'm sure many of you have noticed the variety of emotions that were visible to anyone who took the time to read.  Honestly, "I am not bi-polar."  LOL.  Though I have reviewed my past blogs, I must admit that I was a bit out there.  In most cases, I still am but now I have a more logical approach to the experiences I endured and will continue to endure.  I have written hate blogs to happy blogs and all within weeks of each other.  Funny how we change as time does.  The things I used to take for granted I now cherish more.  The people that were cruel to me, I pity and pray for.  The people that loved me in my darkest moments I now help them through theirs.  I truly believe that everyone is a work in progress and can better themselves.  It can't be a good feeling to know you have done wrong to someone.  Anyone with a heart can change their demeanor a day at a time.  Nothing is impossible.  Some people may believe in God and other's may question their beliefs.   However, I have taught myself "not to judge," because I have been judged and extremely harshly.  I realize now that there are people who just don't care.  They don't care to hear the truth.  Once they have portrayed their own version of  story in their minds, there is no changing it.  There is always two, three, four or more sides to a story.  Truth is, unless a person actually went through it with you and was physically there,  "they will never know."  It's been a challenge not to strangle someone when I was told I was lying when I was telling the truth.  Now when I look back at how wrong it was, I just laugh because I turned out to be the better person.  For every friend I had lost over the years, I have gained twice as many loyal, faithful and honest ones.  I am no longer the people pleaser or the follower.  If someone doesn't like me or care for me then F*** em.  It's their loss.  I'd rather be loved for who I am then for someone I am not.  Bottom line.  I have taken the broken pieces and now I have a masterpiece that time created, (one broken piece at a time).  I look back on the broken relationship(s) and realize that it all made me a stronger, wiser and (overall) a better person.  I didn't let the negative permanently define me.  I have learned to let go of what I can't change.  I can't pay a bill for a million dollars if I don't have a million in the bank. Period, end of story.  I have also witnessed how Karma works it wonders.  Never wishing bad on someone but only to see how what goes around went around.  People shouldn't mess with honest, good hearted people because it will only bring their future to a dark place.  That's the way I have seen it.  I have been kicked while I was down, but got back up and now I can say, "You failed at trying to hurt me."  Then of course I visually flipped them off.  And then last but not least, there was the journey of pursuing a degree in journalism.  Well I realize now that I have learned what I intended to learn.  Pathetically, wasting my time trying to impress others that didn't deserve the recognition for my efforts.  Though I had proven to myself successful challenging College Algebra, I realize now, "I have no use for it."  So that "B+" is just a fond memory on a database and the formulas have been long forgotten.  There's six months of my life I can never get back.  And the list goes on.  So I am indeed living proof that life can knock you down but it's a choice to get back up.  I said it once and I will say it again.  "Time has no mercy."  Time doesn't care what you are going through.  Time will leave you in the dust while it continues on.  Don't stress over things you can't change.  Time will work it out if you give it the chance.  Live like it's your last day, laugh as if you never cried and love everyone you can with all of your heart because someday..TIME will take it all away from you.  It's how you use the time you have now to make sure it was all worth the while!

Broken Angels 2014