Sunday, April 27, 2014

Never look back

LIFE is like an OCEAN.  Sometimes it is calm, sometimes it has crashing waves and sometimes it’s just in between.  It also helps me explain my experiences.  There was a time when the shore seemed too far in the distance to ever reach.  At one point, my life was in the midst of the most horrific storm known to the waters.  There in the middle of nowhere treading water, it was certain for sure that soon I would be pulled under only to drown.  But then there was a break in the weather.  The water became calm and I was still afloat.  Slowly I began to swim slowly toward the shore.  Still it seemed impossible to reach.  As the shore became more reachable, yet another storm would distract the ocean’s slumber causing me to stall and giving me less hope.  There were some days I refused to swim and even thought about going in the other direction.  But I persevered.  Soon, I had reached the shore.  It felt like an eternity.  It felt unreal.  But there I was with my feet planted firmly on the sand.  I looked behind me and glimpsed at the ocean that I swore would be my death.  Now that I had reached my destination on dry land, I realized that the storm didn’t last forever and the waves didn’t hold me back.  I see life as that ocean.  Sometimes the swim towards shore seems too far and out of reach.  But it’s learning to cope with the changing tide and understand that everyday will not be identical to the one before.  It’s going with the flow of the waves instead of fighting them.   It acceptance of the weather and never giving up hope no matter what because there are just some things we can’t control in life.  But I assure that once your feet are placed upon the sand, you will look behind at the struggle and realize you were stronger than assumed.  Everyone’s ocean is different but everyone has to swim to get ashore.  Even if someone floats off course, it’s never too late to search for dry land.  LIFE isn’t always what we want but at the end of the day, NEVER give up and never surrender to the storm.  Storms don’t last forever and eventually the sun will shine again.  Never Look Back........
Broken Angels 2014 

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