Sunday, June 20, 2010


In my mother’s eyes, I am everything she wanted me to be and more.

A life within her that left her but still lives on.

My mother lost her fight to lung cancer in 2006 but now I carry her legacy. There are also gifts that she left me that are not legalized in a will. I was left with spiritual gifts.

Ever since she passed my life has truly changed.

There have been many unexplainable encounters that I can't control but am confronted with as it happens. When I hurt, she hurts and makes others know they hurt me. I don't refer to it as Karma, it is all a plan.

If I cry, then she comforts me by showing me signs reminding me of all the secret memories she left.

My mother and I had issues but we made amends, promises and unknown pacts that will only be known between us when she was dying and no one but us will ever know.

I and my mother did not have the best relationship before she died but we made amends and now she is my angel, always and is watching over me and the family.

If anyone hurts me, then she will defend me because she is my far more than my guardian angel. Omnipresent she will defend me and my babies.

My mother is my guardian Angel as well as those that were all born to me. I am not sure how this all works but I am assuming if I say I am doing right, then there is belief in it. It's not a certificate notarized by the government but maybe it is pre-documented in heaven?

Don’t mess with Angels, especially a mother of the daughter she needs to save to get her wings.

All in good time, that is to anyone who has hurt my mother’s destiny. After all this talk of Angels I don’t want to discuss Karma because I have prayed and prayed but only been betrayed. Maybe it is time to bury the hatchet and be a decent human being and stop the judging before it is too late.

My mother is my angel and my best advise is...Don't mess with Angels.

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