Friday, April 6, 2012



The hospital room was dark and filled with an evil presence. As the man opened his eyes he began to feel the restrictions of the tangled wires strapped to his arms and chest. A cold chill swept through the room without any mercy for his condition and his breath became a hesitant fog. No one was around and the only sound he heard was the steady flow of beeps coming from the monitors he was attached too, the monitors that were keeping him alive.

Not knowing how he arrived there he tried to call out for help but his voice was hoarse and weak. He was confused and disoriented as he tried to get out of the bed but discovered that he did not have the strength to. He felt helpless.
Scared and alone he began to panic. Moments later he looked up into the corner of the room and noticed something fluttering. It started out as a dark orb-like ball then became what almost appeared to be boiling tar swirling around in mid-air. The more he stared the closer it got. Within moments it then formed into a dark figure and began to walk towards him, making a horrific screeching noise like nails on a chalkboard. Suddenly all of the monitors turned off and the ghostly figure began to speak.

“So I see you have suffered a heart-attack?” The figure said in a low and haunting voice. “I know this because I have been watching you. You have done horrible things to your own flesh and blood daughter. I was sent by her mother who is an angel. I too use to be an angel until I began to rip out the black hearts of people who do not deserve to live. They have taken life for granted and hurt innocent people. I was cast from my destiny above and now I roam the earth below in search of justice for those who need it. I am also a messenger for the angels.”
The man began to turn pale and held his chest in hopes the dark angel would help him.

“Help me please, I am dying angel. I am sorry for everything. Please let me live.” The man cried out with what little voice he had. “Please don’t let me die. Please!”
“Why should I spare you heartless mortal? When did you think about your poor daughter and your grandbaby you almost killed? And all over money you know she didn’t have. Where were you when it was time to do the honorable thing?” The dark angel said as he stared a deadly stare straight into the man’s eyes. “You never thought twice about the pain and heartache you put her through. She had a spiritual watcher that protected her and now the watcher has sent me to finish off the justice. You will not be spared!”

Suddenly the angel made a fist and punched it into the man’s chest, ripping out his heart. As the angel held the black heart in his hand, he began to squeeze harder and harder watching the man begin to suffocate, grasping for air. The angel watched in pleasure as the man took his last breath while drowning in his own blackened blood. Justice had finally been done and now the man would be greeted by the angel of death.

When the nurses found him only minutes later they could not understand what happened but assumed his heart had failed.

A few days later the as the pathologist was performing the autopsy he discovered something he could not explain. The man had no heart and his insides were completely black with a charcoal like substance. Not knowing what to think he stepped out of the room to make a phone call to explain to his partner what he had found. As he stepped out into his office a dark shadow covered the man’s deceased body. It was the angel of souls. When the pathologist returned he was once again astounded when he found a pile of ashes on the table where the man’s body laid only moments before.

Without hesitation he wiped some of the ashes away from the table only to reveal an inscription somehow carved into the metal. It read, “Gone to hell.”
Being the pathologist was a Christian man he didn’t question what he had found and scraped the remaining ashes into the urn his family had chosen for him. He never mentioned a word to anyone. For the Christian man knew that there was a spiritual explanation for the event that had just taken place. It was apparent that there is a heaven and a hell. He knew the deceased man had done wrong in his life never making amends and now has become a prisoner of the darkness below. Better known as “the angel with a black heart.”

Written By Kimberly Morrow 2012


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