Monday, November 1, 2010


It was many years ago when the angel was just a little girl and dreamed about finding her true love.

At night she would look out her bedroom window and into the sky full of stars. She often would pick the brightest star and make a wish.

“Star-light, star-light, first star I see tonight,” she would say with a gleam of hope in her eyes. “I wish for someone to hold me tight.”

The little angel had heard about kissing frogs in fairytales but had no idea the truth behind the storybook myths. She had many chapters to read and frogs to kiss before finding the love of her life or so she thought.

She was just a little angel when she kissed her first and only frog named Harold. Her first kiss was somewhat awkward and she released him into the darkness one night only to regret letting him go later on.

Then seven years later he hopped back into her life and once again she kissed him. This time is was different. This time the kiss was magical and the angel and the frog fell deeply in love.

She was hoping that he would finally turn into her prince. Months passed and she waited patiently.

Convinced she had found everlasting companionship the angel waited and waited but nothing ever happened. Then one day Harold decided to hop away and he never returned for it was apparent that he was distracted by something other than his devoted angel.

Heartbroken with disappointment, the angel cried for many years and prayed that her fair-weather knight in armor would return someday. Sadly, he never did that is until another 7 years later.

By this time, the angel had grown up to be the most beautiful angel of all angels. She had the purest of hearts and even though she had been hurt before she decided to kiss him one more time. After all, he said he was sorry for leaving her and swore he would never leave again.

It was a romantic, moon-lit night when she closed her eyes and gently kissed her long lost frog for the third and final time. Not only was the moment magical it was everything she had been longing for.

Harold had finally turned into a prince and it was the happiest moment in her life. They were inseparable and for the first time in a long time, she felt she had found everything she had been wishing for.

Every night she would kiss her prince on the cheek while he would sleep and would vision their lifetime together. They shared their hopes and dreams and nothing seemed more perfect.

It wasn’t until a few months later when her fairytale decided to take an unexpected turn for the worst.

One day when she returned from her walk in the heavens, she had found a note that her prince had left her.

It was just a simple piece of white paper with one word written on it. It said, “Good-bye.”

She did not know what to think or understand how he could do this to her. “We seemed so happy.” She thought to herself and she dropped to her knees and began to weep. “I gave him everything. I trusted him and now he has betrayed me once again.”

A few weeks later she had accepted that her prince had left and began to live her life as usual. Her heart was beyond broken but she kept his memory close. There are some nights when she still picks her lucky star to wish on although she has little hope.

She finally came to realize that no matter how much love is invested in a first, second or third kiss, a kiss of true love does not mean the two lovers will last forever.

As much as it hurt she knew she had to let him go. Love is free will and no one can make someone love them back -not even an angel. Fairytales are just stories and it was obvious their chapter was over and once again for the third time.

However, there are times when she will see a frog hop by and wonder, “will he ever come back to again?”

Unfortunately, that day will never come. Harold was now a handsome prince who used the angels’ love to get what he wanted. He no longer needed her and he made that clear with his one word, Dear John letter.

This is the hardened truth about angels and frogs and as an angel she had to learn the painful way more than one time……(but she will never lose hope). For one day she will find her true love.

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