Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Every angel loves and every angel has been broken.

At one time or another, thy angel will give her all to lose her all. It all depends on the emotional circumstances.

Of course an angel wants to be loved but once she is forsaken then it is hard to trust and love again.

Like a wound to the heart she ripped the arrow of deception out of her chest. Barely piercing her heart, the blood dripped drop by drop. She was still alive but like a zombie to what had happened. Although she thirsted for love and blood, she still yearned for the love that left her to die. She longed for the beast that had intentions to drain her of every fluid available to a kiss.

Her last memory was of a carousel that spun around and around. The beach was her balcony of hope while his plan was a death-wish. With sand in her sandals and the smell of cotton candy she felt that she found her soul-mate. Then the sand discinigrated and the then the cotton candy was just a pleasant smell of sugar without commitment.

Time had passed like sifted sand through an hourglass and before she knew it he was gone again. His words were like candy-bars that were eaten only for the sweet appetite with a diabetic purpose. There was no healthy outcome nor did he even love her. He just loved the idea of her like a picture of a wedding cake in a magazine that is only prepared, ate and never heard of again. That is until the calories are counted when the scale reads, “out of order.” Not for the weight but for the chaotic symbolism of the generic love he pleaded for her.

Still, she held the arrow that she ripped out her existence. Not only did the man of disbelief hurt her, but he broke her.

A few days later as she lied in bed, depressed and un-alive and then out of nowhere, the angel of hope approached her.

The angel said, “You long for love and now you will feel love. Please take these wings and fly away.”

Without hesitation the wounded nominee of disbelief replied, “No madam, I will not take these wings for I loved and for the right reasons. You, angel of hope had forsaken me. I will give up these wings you offer me and continue on.”

The angel of offering flew away and never returned to the broken angel below. Days passed and hours added up but the forsaken angel knew and believed that……….

“Once upon a broken wing, somehow he will here me sing. If he denies while I believe than I’ll obey and he’ll deceive.”

Sometimes life hurts but often true love hurts more. The angel still dwells in her dark cell while trying to save those who cannot love.

It is so sad and pathetic that an angel has to salvage her wings and salvation to be a “Forsaken angel” for a man that never loved her.

So sad that a commitment made between two people became a political view of the one with the broken heart. (And no, it wasn’t the man). The man has paid his taxes while working under the table. Eventually he will have to pay for unmarked ink spots on is bedpost to make up for his conscience.

And all the while he thinks he sleeps in peace? The angel he had forsaken is looking down upon him praying that he finds his fault so she can finally get her wings and fly far, far, away from him. She will someday recover and get her wings but in the back her mind she will always pray that he the one who broke her heart, will someday prove himself to be a real man.

Until that day arrives she will be a forsaken angel.

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