Thursday, May 20, 2010


As I lie there in bed, I could hear my thoughts thinking. Unexplained emotion flowed through me, like anti-freeze through a 1957 Chevy radiator. The wheels in my mind were turning and my gut-instinct left a horrible taste in my mouth. Mentally inflicted assumptions that were supported by interaction and intent. My fears printed like letter-press and my curiosity left written in incomplete paragraphs.

Like red lipstick on a lapel, my intuition was evident. Prudential misconception, representing protocol, comparable to a secret government. The closed cases and empty files that have been collecting dust for years, were re-opened. An "UNSOLVED CASE" stamped on every piece of paper, stained with crusted coffee from all the previous readers. It was like the EX-files being resurrected from the dead.

After re-evaluating the visual exhibits in my own memory, there was a freezing draft that entered the room. Like an apparition passing through a living body, I could sense a ghostly presence and I knew something wasn't right. Biting my bottom lip, I held my breath for a few seconds. I closed my eyes while slowly breathing out a little air at a time. I was aware of everything. The case had been closed for a second time and rather quickly for never having a cross examination or a fair pre-trial. Restrained immediately by handcuffs on my wrists, I could feel my circulation being cut off. Taken out by a landslide, my promising witness deceased, and my mortal accomplice drove off with my heart.

Like being stabbed by a pitch-fork, everything inside of me was quickly dripping out like water through a faucet. Like remains of road-kill on a freeway,pieces of my corpse would soon be prey for passing predators. Some would stop and continue moving on, while some would anxiously devour what body parts remained. The crime scene forever an unsolved mystery.

Never under-estimate intuition, that gut-feeling that often is ignored. It is never wrong and humanly accurate. Like a mother wolverine to her kit, she can sense when something tragic has happened to her young.

I rose from my bed and walked over slowly to my dresser. I knew it was time to surrender what I loved. My tears fell like confetti as I put a picture of what was lost in the top drawer. The vacant spot where the picture use to be, was now like a hole dug in my soul. My acceptance like a shovel, buried the validated evidence. There was no more suffering because my disturbing prediction had been laid to rest and now it was time to mourn.

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